Blended Learning Experiences

Asynchronous and Live Learning, combined

Educators: Sara Stave Beckerman, Abby Eisenberg, Jessica Jobanek

Summer 2020 Blended Learning Choices

Option 1: Teen Philanthropy: Generosity and Responsibility in Jewish Tradition

Educator: Sara Stave Beckerman

Learners will encounter principles of philanthropic giving. We will explore Jewish texts about tzedaka and giving throughout the ages. We will face significant philanthropic decisions - how do we divide our resources between local, national and global needs? Learners will each oversee a simulated pool of funds and will need to advocate for their position on allocation. Learners will have the option to similarly allocate their own funds (from b-mitzvah or elsewhere) to various important causes.

Option 2: Leadership Explorations and Models in Tanach (Hebrew Bible): To Do and Not To Do

Educator: Abby Eisenberg

The Torah, and the whole Hebrew Bible, express diverse questions and ideas about leadership that can be relevant in our own lives, today in 2020. What is transformative leadership? How do we find freedom to change and impact others to make deep changes for themselves? What is collaborative leadership? How can we work together to impact others in the most positive of ways? What are ways to effect change behind-the-scenes? How do build positive changes through radical acceptance of ourselves and others? Choose this session on leadership to explore multiple aspects of impactful change-making for yourselves and others!

Option 3: Food, Rituals, Customs, Oh My! Exploring Jews Around the Globe

Educator: Jessica Jobanek

Curious about diverse Jewish cultures around the world? We will explore Ashkenazi, Sefaradi, Mizrahi and other cultures - their languages, customs, rituals, songs, and more! What are similarities and differences across Jewish cultures? What are the histories and modern ways to make meaning of rituals within each culture? What are Jewish practices that YOU love and with which YOU connect?

A list of supplies will be sent to parents upon registration.